18 Feb Navigate winter driving with ease

Winter in North Dakota isn’t for the faint of heart. Snowy roads, icy patches and blinding blizzards can make even a short drive unpredictable. Staying safe means more than being careful—it starts before you get behind the wheel.
First things first, make sure your car is ready for winter. Check your tires for good tread, keep your antifreeze topped off and make sure your battery is strong enough to handle freezing temperatures. Before hitting the road, clear snow and ice from your windows, mirrors, headlights and sensors to ensure visibility. Lastly, don’t forget an emergency kit. Blankets, snacks, water and a phone charger can be a lifesaver if you get stuck.
Once in route, slow and steady wins the race. Icy roads and high speeds don’t mix, and cruise control can do more harm than good in slick conditions. Keeping extra space between your vehicle and the next can be extremely beneficial during winter. You never know when a vehicle might hit a patch of ice and need room to recover. When it comes to braking, steering or accelerating, smooth and easy movements help keep you in control.
At the end of the day, patience and preparation go a long way. Take it slow, stay alert and you’ll get where you’re going safely.
For more information on ways you can keep your car safe this winter, visit uinsurance.com or call (701) 252-0371. If you or a loved one is in need of an auto insurance quote, please visit unisonbank.com/insurance-quotes.
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